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Dr David L.J. Freed MB ChB MD CBiol MIBiol

14 Marston Road, Salford, Manchester, M7 4ER

Telephone/Fax : 0161-795-6225
E-mail: office@salfordallergyclinic.com


Referrals and Costs

This is a private clinic and payment, by yourself, your insurers, or your Health Authority is accepted.

I normally see patients referred by their doctors, or with the doctor's consent. If for some good reason you are unable or unwilling to ask your doctor for a referral, I will see you without, but only if I have your permission to write to him after the consultation giving my findings and proposals.This is because the GP sometimes has important information that the patient does not have (for example certain kinds of drug treatment interfere with my methods and I need to know in advance).

Prices correct at

May 2011

Consultations (my house or home visits)
per hour including travel time.


Testing for desensitisation (neutralisation) per substance tested

£16.50 -£30

Neutralization testing for suspected anaphylaxis (extra precautions)

£95 per hour

(EPD, cost of medicine per dose)

£58 or GP's script
(plus admin fee)

Neutragen treatment,
per 3-month supply, per volume


Telephone advice
for new patients, per 1O minutes
for old patients, within reason


Injection of rheumatic patches, per 2ml ampoule


NB: For complex cases, when the patient needs to be desensitised for dozens of substances, the total costs can become quite substantial. I will work out the likely costs before you commit yourself and in needy cases I may give a discount. The treatments (but not usually the testing) can be prescribed by your GP on the NHS, and many GP's are willing to do that on my recommendation (if not, they have to be paid for).

Although this is a private practice the entire fees are occasionally paid by the NHS, provided your GP and his administration recommend it. My Provider Code is noted on the front page. Fees are also reimbursable by many healthcare insurance companies, but please be aware that (a) there may be quite a low ceiling for what they will pay for out-patient care, and (b) some companies will only reimburse specialists if they are also NHS Consultants (which I am not - I was a medical research doctor before I went into private practice). You should check all this with your company before you start. Different companies use different rules, which change from time to time, and I cannot be responsible for those.

If you want to come to see me please first fill in the Symptom Questionnaire, and bring it along with you to the first consultation.

The first consultation will take about an hour. I may need to examine you and on rare occasions I may need to order X-rays or blood tests. It is usually helpful if your spouse, a friend or a relative comes along with you, to give advice, chaperone and general support. If after the initial consultation I think I may be able to help you, I will explain what is required and how much it is all likely to cost.

How to find Salford Allergy Clinic

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