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Patient Information

What to do once you have your vaccine

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1) You now have a vaccine that should protect you against foods, inhalants, drinks and chemicals. I have done my part. Now it is time for you to do yours.

2) The vaccine will not work unless you follow these rules. I do not make these rules. If you don't like them, you must lodge your complaints elsewhere. Nature is very unforgiving. If you break the rules, you must expect to become ill again, or at best not improve as well as you should. But if you work with Nature instead of against her, you have an excellent chance of getting better and staying well.

Even a tiny trace of a forbidden food could ruin everything. It is NOT true that "a little of what you fancy does you good." Well-meaning friends who offer you sweets or biscuits are no friends of yours. Nor are chefs who add a little flavouring or sauce to the recipe to please you. It will not be your friends or relatives who suffer if you break the rules. It will be YOU.

4) Rotate your diet according to the sheet I have given you.
Foods in the MIDDLE BAND are totally forbidden for the time being. They contain toxins - mild poisons such as alkaloids and lectins - which will prevent you getting better. The alkaloids, as well as being toxic, are also addictant. This means that if you so much as taste one of the forbidden foods, they will probably start you craving for more forbidden foods.

5) You do not need fruit or fruit juice.
There is plenty of vitamin C in greens, unless they are overcooked. Have some of your permitted greens raw, or only slightly cooked. Fruits are mere "fun foods" and actually have very little nutritional value. Some people cannot tolerate them at all. DO NOT HAVE TOO MUCH FRUIT: NO MORE THAN AN AMOUNT THE SIZE OF A SMALL APPLE DAILY. If after two weeks you are no better, STOP ALL FRUITS ENTIRELY. If you must have fruit juice, make sure it is well diluted with filtered water.

6) You do not need milk. There is plenty of calcium in meats and fishes.

7) Cholesterol is hardly ever a problem for patients on a stone-age diet, even though you will be eating lots of meat and meat fat. It will be a good idea to have a blood cholesterol measurement every couple of months, just to make sure, but if you don't it doesn't matter. Your requirement for essential fatty acids will be satisfied by the greens you eat and the sunflower oil on day 3.

8) Do not worry about constipation. There is plenty of roughage in greens. Some patients do take some time to settle to the new diet and are constipated for the first few weeks, but almost always it settles by itself. Do not take laxatives. If really desperate get a simple DIY enema from the chemist.

9) Buy a water filter. You can get cheap jug filters from Boots, most big supermarkets, and health-food stores. You can also get filters that plumb into the water pipe; these are more convenient but more expensive. Get into the habit of using filtered water only for cold drinks, hot drinks and cooking. Never fill the kettle from the tap. Eczema patients should wash in filtered water as well, or at least have a final rinse with it (in these cases it is worthwhile getting a fitted shower filter). You can add a bit of fizz to filtered water with a Sodastream or Sparklet.

10) As far as possible, eat only organic food (see separate handout). Find your way to Fordhall Farm, in Market Drayton, the best organic farm in Britain, It is a pleasant Sunday's drive from Manchester and the farmer, Arthur Hollins, will cook you a superb all-organic meat meal if you ring in advance (063083-255).

11) As far as possible, stay away from polluted air. If you have to cross the road behind a diesel truck belching out fumes, hold your breath until you get to the other side. DO NOT FLY if you can help it; the air both in and outside the terminal is very polluted. Throw away any household chemicals you don't absolutely need. Don't use perfumes or perfumed toiletries (use Simple soap and Simple shampoo). Never use fly sprays, air fresheners, fabric conditioners, deodorants, toilet blocks or any household chemical that isn't essential. Avoid smoky rooms .Avoid food additives. Everything is important. Be a fanatic.

One patient of mine, a widow of 65 who had been badly affected for years by arthritis, started feeling so well after a few weeks of diet that she decided to varnish her bathroom. She gave herself a severe relapse that was very difficult (and expensive) to bring her out of and which set her back for six months. Another patient, a man, felt so well that he took his family to Spain for a long-overdue holiday. He went for long walks and felt marvelous. On his way back he was delayed at Gatwick for several hours while a luggage snarl-up got straightened. He had a severe relapse and has not fully recovered. Serve him right. I get very annoyed with patients who throw everything away like that. Don't do it.

12) Don't take any medicines, of any kind (even if your doctor prescribes it) without checking first with me.Some medicines interfere with your vaccine. If you need a local dental anaesthetic, check with me first; I will liaise with your dentist and neutralise you for the anaesthetic.

13) Use a teapot. You can cut open tea bags and empty them into the pot. Tea bag paper contains additives.

14) Keep a daily diary. Use an exercise-book ruled off into four columns, like this: Time of day - What I ate and drank - What I was doing - How I felt . If you do suffer untoward reactions while on the diet, the diary will help to unravel the causes. The more carefully you keep the diary, the more useful it will be if you ever come to need it. Your friends may think you are crazy, but then it is not they who are ill.

15) Do not go hungry. Start your day with a substantial meal of cooked meat, poultry or fish (cook it the night before, so that you don't have to face cooking first thing).
People nowadays are brainwashed into thinking that breakfast equals cereal and toast. What nonsense! Until a few decades ago everyone had bacon and egg for breakfast, and were better off for it than we are. (That does not mean that you can have bacon and egg! Bacon has too many chemical additives, and egg is only allowed on day 1). Take a plastic lunch-box to work with cold meat and greens.
Make sure you buy and prepare plenty. After the first few days you may well find that your appetite becomes voracious, and you must eat enough to satisfy it. Eat plenty of meat fat, if you can stand to; it fills the stomach and will keep you satisfied for longer.
It is a good idea not to eat just before bed-time. Try to allow a couple of hours between food and bed.
Your breakfast should be hearty and big, but your evening meal need not be. "Breakfast like a king, lunch like a commoner, and dine like a pauper."

16) Where food is concerned, people know what they like - and like what they know. This new diet of yours may not be much to your taste. There are some dodges to make it more bearable, but basically, if you don't like this diet it's just too bad. Think of it not as food but as medicine. Once you are well I will advise about liberalizing the diet.

17) For the first week or two you may suffer a withdrawal syndrome (like a junkie stopping his heroin), while your body gets accustomed to being without its daily "fixes" of wheat, sugar, milk or whatever. Your existing symptoms may get worse, and you may get new symptoms that you have not had before, particularly malaise, loss of appetite, and depression. This is a good sign. Withdrawal symptoms do not kill (although the luckless sufferer may wish he was dead!); they eventually wear off. If you get a bad attack of the blues, you must soldier on; it is a good sign and means that you are on the right track. If it gets really awful, ring me; there are one or two dodges to help you through this patch.

18) You are permitted as much meat as you wish, as long as you have only what is permitted for that day. Note however, liver and kidney are NOT permitted. These organs concentrate the toxins that the animal itself has been absorbing during its life and are too dangerous at this stage. Pickled, smoked or spiced meat (e.g. bacon) is forbidden. As a bacon substitute you can get belly pork sliced thin; with lots of salt and pepper it tastes not unlike bacon.

19) Never force yourself to eat. If you don't feel hungry, don't eat. Loss of appetite is sometimes your body's wisdom, telling you that food would be bad for you right now.

20) You may be surprised how keenly you miss your accustomed foods and drinks. Remember, you may well have been addicted to these, without knowing. To comfort you through this mourning period, I can only suggest a _ bit of fresh fruit (NOT tinned fruit, which is too dangerous). But as I said above, fresh fruit itself is rather dodgy, you have to restrict your intake strictly. Try cutting up your fruit into small cubes about 1 cm across, and freezing them individually. Then you can take them out of the freezer one at a time and suck them. They will taste a bit like sorbet, and will allow you to kid yourself that you are getting more fruit than you really are.

Taking the Vaccine

1) Take your vaccine once a day. In the initial stages you will do yourself no harm by taking it twice a day or even more; you cannot overdose and you cannot harm yourself by taking too much. (Do not however waste it; vaccine is expensive stuff). If you cannot remember whether or not you have had the vaccine today, give yourself another dose to be on the safe side.

2) Stick a syringe into each bottle, and leave it there. That syringe must always live in that bottle. If you accidentally stick it into the wrong bottle, you may ruin that whole bottle.

3) Take about 12 units from each bottle, each day. You can use the upper arms, buttocks, or any other area of the body as long as it is fleshy (don't stick the needle into a bone or your eye!)

4) You are bound to get occasional bruises or blood drips at the injection site. They wear off. Ignore them.

5) It will not do any harm if you inject air bubbles, or if you inject into a vein, but the vaccine will not work as well, so try to avoid doing it.

6) You can use the same syringe several times. When it starts to hurt excessively, it is because it is going blunt. That is the time to replace it with a new one.

7) Note: it is illegal to throw away used syringes in the dustbin. Ask your pharmacist or your doctor how to get rid of them.

8) It is not necessary to swab the skin with alcohol before injection. Each bottle already contains its own antiseptic.

9) Each bottle contains 100 doses, enough in most cases for three months.That is all that is necessary in about 50% of patients. Others need to continue for longer, and will need a replacement set. The time to start worrying about that is when the fluid level comes to the neck of the bottle (when upside down).

When starting a replacement set of vaccine, you may find you take a day or two to settle in with them. This is because it is never possible to get the recipe 100% identical with the previous lot; there is a couple of percent error involved in making vaccine. But it only takes a couple of days to acclimatize to the new lot.

10) Neutralization works best by injection, but can also sometimes be effective if taken as drops under the tongue, especially in children. The older you get, the less well they work in drop form. Drops need to be taken 3-4 times daily, so this method is more cumbersome and less cost-effective.

Additional Treatments

1) The rules set out here are enough to get most patients better. But some may require a little extra, such as dietary supplements, vitamin injections, or a course of nystatin (to kill Candida albicans in the gut, if there is any). Since nutrition is a complex field I may need to refer you on to a Nutritionist for expert guidance, if you do not improve quickly enough. The costs of this extra referral are low. Please do not get impatient. We must take things in order. I will tell you when the time has come (if it ever does come) when these extra treatments are needed. Don't make changes to your treatment. The chances are I know better than you.

2) Those with severe rheumatism may profit from treatment of rheumatic patches. These are stiff painful patches in and under the skin. Treatment consists of injections of sodium salicylate (one of the soluble salts of aspirin). The injections are rather painful, true, but they speed up recovery.

3) Very rarely I will suggest that you use a short course of conventional medication. There are very few drugs that I use.Some drugs would interfere with your vaccine, so I repeat: do not take any medications unless you have checked first with me. I may suggest acupuncture or osteopathy in some cases.

Coping with the Stone Age Diet

1) Most patients find the diet the hardest part. It restricts you socially by making it difficult (though not always impossible) to eat out. It requires a great deal of forward planning. It is strange, unfamiliar, and probably expensive. You may feel an outcast in your own family.

2) I cannot help all this .I do not make the rules. There is no point in trying to negotiate with me; I do not have the power to change Nature. The only answer I can give to these complaints is:
If it is any comfort, I have done it myself. And yes, like you, I went through hell and mourned my lost foods for months. It took me about three years before I could walk past a baker's shop without pressing my nose against the window to ogle the bread on the other side. All I can tell you is that I, like you, was desperate. And when you're desperate you just do it. And yes, life is greyer now than it used to be. I no longer mourn for the lost foods, because I am now so far advanced with treatment that I can "cheat" now and again without too much trouble afterwards. I can eat bread now and again, even drink beer now and again, and suffer no consequences. But those things no longer give me the "lift" that they used to. And if I eat bread two days running, I suffer on the third day.

2) Having said all that, there are one or two dodges that might help to make life tolerable while on the strict phase of the diet, for example:

3) When faced with one meat/fish and one or two greens, there are several different ways that they can be prepared. Take for example beef and cabbage. Not ordinarily a very appetizing plateful, but try:
(a) making a "mock-lasagna" in the oven, with layers of beef and cabbage above each other, with water, beef fat, salt and pepper;
(b) getting the butcher to mince the meat (this works with chicken and pork as well); pat the mince into a disc, with salt and pepper, and grill it. Hey presto!a burger!
(c) use a food-processor to blend the mince with cabbage, water, salt and pepper into a thick broth;
(d) stir-fry the two in beef fat;
(e) make a stew.

4) You haven't got much variety, so make full use of what variety you've got. Squeeze lemon juice on your roast chicken. Stew chicken with tea. Experiment. Be adventurous.

5) Use fats liberally.
For day 1 you can use chicken fat.
On day 2 you have lamb fat.
On day 3 you have a choice: pork fat, sunflower oil, or both!
Beef fat on day 4.
Collect dripping from your joints and store it in the fridge (labeled and separate) for use on the different days.
You can probably get extra meat fat just by asking for it; most butchers will give it away free and you will often find quite good pieces of meat in with it.

6) Ask me for the names and phone numbers of previous patients of mine, who have been through the whole thing already, and can give you hints, recipes, understanding sympathy and hope.

7) Cabbage and broccoli don't have to be cooked, they are also good raw. Celery can be cooked too.

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